Educationhow to differentiate between pre-primary and preschools

how to differentiate between pre-primary and preschools


A preschool is a preparatory school which has been developed for toddlers under the stator school age. It generally covers kids between the ages of 2 to 5 years. Preschools in Gurgaon have a different level from other parts of the country as they are highly focused and updated. Pre-primary is a word which generally indicates context to the time before the primary education of the children. It generally refers to a nursery school. Pre-primary education is combined with studies in the nursery along with kindergarten. It could also be defined as, a set of knowledge along with experience and skills as well as behavioral rules that provide the essential for coping successfully in school and everyday life.

Early childhood education has a vital role in every child’s life. This step helps in the stimulation of intelligence and wants to provide an opportunity for the kid to get ready for formal school. A preschool is a common term which covers every kind of institution which provides elementary education to kids. Generally, it belongs to a nursery school. In such schools, playing-based techniques are involved to develop a learning environment for the children. Leen’s nestling is specialized in handling children under the statutory school age, which generally covers children between the ages of 2 to 5. Any child is expected to learn different skills involving the alphabet, spatial and numbers awareness in a preschool. 

Pre-primary is a term which is generally linked with the institution or education for children under the statutory school age. A pre-primary education program develops the skills of a kid before they step into primary school. It generally has nursery classes and kindergartens. Pre-primary education is followed by primary education. Primary education is the initial phase of compulsory education. Pre-primary education is recommended for children in different ways; it also helps them to be familiar with the school environment daycare furniture

Comparison between pre-primary and preschool

Types of pre-primary schools

  • Nursery- it is generally denoted a preschool which focuses on the kid from 3 to 5 years of age
  • Kindergarten: this mainly denoted the first year of schooling. It focuses on kids’ age between 5 to 6 years.

Types of preschools

  • Montessori: introduced by educator Maria Montessori, they wanted to involve a child’s senses.
  • Waldorf: based on the teaching of Australian writers, teachers need to be Waldorf certified.
  • Reggio Emilia encourages exploration and focuses on the importance of community and self-expression. 

Advantages of pre-primary school

  • They wanted to help kids to develop some important basic language skills.
  • They assist in developing interaction skills in children
  • It helps a kid in understanding his/her capabilities.
  • It helps in an easy transition to middle schooling

Advantages of preschool

  • They lay a heavy foundation for social skills, knowledge and confidence in children to face higher schooling.
  • It helps in an easy transition to kindergarten.
  • Such schools provide an educational learning environment to the children.
  • They help in an easy transition to a formal school education
  • Kids get the opportunity to socialize with other kids.

Advantages of private tutoring

 • Personalized Attention: A private tutor can provide one-on-one attention to the student, which may not be possible in a classroom setting.

• Customized Lesson Plans: Private tutors can tailor lesson plans to meet the student’s specific needs and learning goals.

• Flexibility: Private tutoring sessions can be scheduled at a time that is convenient for both the student and the tutor.

• Faster Progress: Private tutoring can often help students make faster progress in their studies.

• Confidence Building: Private tutors can help build a student’s confidence by providing positive reinforcement, encouragement, and support. 

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