Tech5 SEO Copywriting Tips

5 SEO Copywriting Tips


Writing content – or ‘copywriting’ – for your website can be a daunting task for the average business owner. Add to that the stress of getting all the search engine optimisation (SEO) requirements right as well, and it quickly becomes a task that many people will try to avoid.

But having great copy on your website that is optimised for SEO can be a game changer for your business. Optimised copy ranks better in Google, resulting in more website traffic. Well-written, informative, and comprehensive copy will then help convert that traffic into paying customers.

In this article, we’re sharing some of our top SEO copywriting tips to help you overcome your resistance towards writing. These five tips are simple things that you can do yourself to make your content perform better, read better, and drive greater engagement. We are confident that with these tips and a bit of practice, you’ll be smashing out blog articles, landing pages, product descriptions and case studies that drive traffic and sales for your business in no time.

Answer Your Audience’s Search Query

The number one tip we’re sharing with you is to make sure that your content relates directly to the search query you’re targeting. If someone has typed “how to make tacos” into Google, they are probably looking for a step-by-step set of instructions on how to make tacos. So, if you write a blog article titled “How to Make Tacos” and then proceed to talk about why someone would want to make tacos instead of how to make tacos – well, you’re not going rank very well.

Each new page of content that you write for your website – whether it is a blog article or standard content page – should target a different keyword or search phrase. And when you choose which keyword you are going to target for your new page, you need to think about what information the end user is searching for when they type that into Google.

Give the user what they want by answering their search query and you’ll be one step closer to landing a new customer.

Don’t Forget Your Metadata

Metadata is the page title, focus keyword, and page description (blurb) that you give to Google when loading your new page. It makes sure that Google knows how you want that particular page to appear in its search engine results pages (SERPs).

Your metadata also plays a huge role in your click-through-rate, or how often people choose your listing in Google over your competitors’. Your title needs to directly address the search query or term, and your blurb or description needs to tell them what they’ll find on your page – while simultaneously enticing them to click on your listing.

Lost for inspiration? Google the search term or phrase that you’re targeting and see what is currently ranking for that term, and what their titles and blurbs are. Think about what works and what doesn’t, and which ones stand out. Then craft something for your own page that improves upon and/or stands out from what everyone else is writing.

Know Who You’re Competing Against

While we’re on the topic of Googling your search term and checking out the competition – we advise clicking through to their content and having a read of it as well.

At the end of the day, SEO is a competition. The website with the best content – in terms of length, quality, readability, interactivity and just general enjoyability – will usually be the top-ranking website. Your goal when you’re writing SEO copy is to create something better than what is already ranking on the first page. So, if you don’t start that process by checking out the competition, how will you know the standard that you need to write to?

If the top-ranking page for our search term ‘how to make tacos’ is a 400-word recipe that tells people how to make tacos using a store-bought taco kit, then it is fair to say that an 800-word recipe that teaches the audience how to make tacos from scratch is going to rank better in Google.

Make Your Content Visually Appealing

Readability and usability are key ranking factors for your webpages as well. If you have a page with 1,000 words of text and no imagery, heading, or visual cues to break that page up, your content becomes very difficult to read.

Try adding a relevant image in your article every 300-500 words to break up the text and help highlight your points. Use heading hierarchy’s (Header 1, Header 2, Header 3 etc) to signpost different information in your article or page, and where possible, use dot point lists, bolding and italics to help important information stand out.

You want people to be able to easily skim read your content and find the specific information or text that they are looking for. The easier you make it for your audience to read and consume your content, the more likely they are to keep coming back to your website.

Tell Your Audience What the Next Step Is

Always finish your content with a Call to Action (CTA). A CTA tells your prospective customer what the next step is. It might be a link to related blogs and information in case they have more questions, or it might be a link to a contact page or enquiry form for those who are ready to buy.

Whatever the next step is, you need to tell them so that they can click through easily and stay engaged with your brand, website, and content.

Get Writing!

We hope that these five simple steps help you get started with your SEO copywriting journey. Getting started is the hardest step, but once you get into a good routine and rhythm, you’ll find writing blogs, articles, case studies, and other optimised content for your website becomes easier each time. Need more help in copywriting; find a Brisbane copywriting team to help you achieve your goal.

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