BusinessThe Importance of Creating a Safe Environment in the...

The Importance of Creating a Safe Environment in the Workplace


The average turnover rate in the US is around 18%. Employers have lost billions of dollars due to workers leaving. 

One of the reasons why employees leave in droves is fear for their safety. Workplace accidents won’t only cause workers to quit.

It can drive down productivity and get your company in trouble. This can cost your business more money than you may like. 

These are only a few reasons you should have a safe environment. Check out this guide to learn more about why you should keep workplace hazards to a minimum and make employee health and safety your top priority in ethical corporate governance.

Better Turnover Rate

Employees value office safety. If they feel like they’re one loose cord away from a horrible accident, they won’t want to come to work. 

After a while, they will search for a boss that cares more about their safety. You’ll be lucky if they give you a two weeks notice. 

On the other hand, if you invest in EHS software and prioritize safety, you’ll have your employee’s loyalty. 


People work better when they aren’t anxious. If their workplace is safe, they won’t feel like they have to question their every move. 

If your workplace is unsafe due to clutter, the boxes and cords can stop your employees from getting anything done. You’ll be much better off keeping the office clean. 

Safe employees are healthy employees. If your workers are well, they’ll handle tasks at peak efficiency. They’ll be happier too, which will make them more productive. 

Save Money

Your company can get into a lot of trouble for creating an unsafe work environment. If you’re caught, you’ll have to pay expensive fees. You could be forced to lock down your business for good. 

When an employee is injured, they are within their rights to file a worker’s comp claim. If they have to spend weeks in the hospital, that could cost your company a lot of money. 

Fewer Absent Employees

Workplace hazards are defined as anything that can cause an employee harm. That includes sickness. 

If you fail to meet basic sanitation requirements, you’ll have a lot of sick employees on your hands. People won’t come to work while ill. They’ll prioritize their health by calling out. 

Employees also can’t work if they have a broken limb. Prioritizing safety means you’ll have fewer workers in the hospital. 

Positive Reputation 

As a small business owner, your reputation is of the utmost importance. If you have an army of employees leaving bad workplace safety reviews, you’ll find yourself short on new applicants. 

It doesn’t end with your employees. Your once-loyal customers will stop doing business with you. 

Create a Safe Environment for Your Employees

Creating a safe environment for your employees will increase their productivity and reduce your turnover rate. It can also save your company tons of money and put you in everyone’s good graces. As you can see, it’s worth it. 

For more tips that will help you keep your doors open, explore the rest of our blog. 

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